China's working adults still depend on parents for economic support

SHANGHAI: The growing number of young adults living off their parents is sparking concern in China.

A study found that 30 per cent of working-age adults still depend on their parents for economic support.

Experts worry this trend could become more pronounced with the second generation of children under the country's one-child policy.

From pre-natal education, toddler care, pre-school, all the way to university and then a job - it seems parents in China want to be involved in their children's lives all the way.

That's the trend experts have observed since the first generation of single children. But it's something the children don't quite welcome.

According to a survey by the China Research Centre on Ageing, 77 per cent of respondents felt parents intervene too much in their children's decisions.

Jennifer Feng, PR Director of 51Job, said: "I see that Chinese parents are increasingly domineering. So children in China often don't really know what they like because (be it schools or jobs) it wasn't their choice from the start."

And when it comes to the second generation of children born under the one-child policy, the parental influence is often so great, some can even rely on the older generation for their livelihood.

Wang Fei, father of a three-year-old boy, said: "For a Shanghainese child whose grandparents are also living in Shanghai, by the time he grows up and if he marries another single child, the couple may inherit three or four sets of apartments. They can live comfortably just by collecting rent."

Zhou Haiwang, Deputy Director of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences at the Institute of Population and Development Studies, said: "The tradition in China's society is still a one-way model of raising children, which means the older folks look after their children and even their grandchildren. The notion of living frugally and saving money hasn't changed among the elderly, and they will provide for their children in all aspects that they can, including material and physical help."

But it's not enough to merely provide resources to feed a child for life. Against the backdrop of three decades of phenomenal economic growth, experts say it's time for families which have created a comfortable lifestyle, to think about how they want to develop their next generation's survival skills.

Gordon Gu, Director of Shanghai Fesc Psychological Assistance Centre, said: "As the ancient Chinese saying goes, "wealth never lasts more than three generations". The consequence of parents' over-protection is a child who is good-for-nothing. That is the worst scenario."

Experts say when parents prepare too wide a safety net for their children, the kids will have a greater tendency to fall back on it - a thinking some parents encourage.

Gordon Gu added: "When they (parents) succeed, they naturally do not want their children to go through the same hardship they experienced again. They even tell their children not to be afraid at work. They may say, "If the company fires you or if it's difficult, just quit. Why do you have to work? We can provide everything for you.""

But analysts say this mentality encourages over-dependence on parents, and children risk losing their AQ or adversity quotient - the ability to thrive in adversity.

In the last of the five-part series on Friday, Channel NewsAsia looks at the changing behaviour of China's young generation in the workforce and how companies are coming up with fresh measures to retain this young talent.

- CNA/de

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